Plan Of Action: Inaction (do nothing)

Have you watched these ads that say “This generation has a story to tell that ‘we overcame a world pandemic by doing nothing’?”
Today I watched Cadbury 5Star’s ad, earlier I watched some other brand’s, unable to recall, …but that is true and in fact the easiest thing: to do nothing, to go nowhere. Just be home.
Now, I want you to imagine it were a tougher pandemic, maybe like a water-borne disease. What would you do? Drink less water? Or buy treated water, correct? What about those who couldn’t afford it? Multitudes would’ve died.
Be thankful that COVID-19 is not air-borne. (It transmits through droplets, which is not the same as air-borne.) If it were, then everyone – babies, elderly, people with breathing disorders – everyone – would’ve had to wear masks every minute.
So, it is right to say that we are in a better place, having to do the easiest thing, in essence: Nothing. But we all know only too well that it is not so easy in action. We are disconnected from our loved ones, from our colleagues, for that matter, from every human being outside our home. We desperately want to go out (read: get out), walk miles, go on hikes and long drives, eat out at our favourite restaurant which is only a km away from home, go visit our grandparents, carry the newborn niece, visit thw movies, or go about with an outdoor passion (which could be a lifeline for many). We want to do just something, but outdoors. It is difficult to be locked down.  But it is for the good.
Let’s collectively imbibe common sense and put it in action for the common good. This is our biggest opportunity to do something good for our neighbour/friend – if absolutely unavoidable, meet them with precaution. Else, don’t meet at all. This is the world’s biggest opportunity to be selfless and think of others. You have to do really nothing.
Let’s together put on hold our dreams of traveling, our meet-up plans, parties, etc. for just a little while longer. Support one another in this, because we never know how important being on the road, or meeting people is important for someone. Hold up and hold on, we’re definitely seeing a brighter day. Believe.
~Rhea Jacob
The non-caffeinated writer
PS: I do not intend to completely ignore the effects of a lockdown on the economy. I’m talking human resilience. For write-ups on economic resilience, please select another source. Happy reading :p

She and her Strengths

She is ready to take on the world when she:

1. Ties her messy hair into a super tight top knot.
2. Takes off her pointed heels.
3. Is in her comfy pajamas.

4. Ties her dupatta behind her/around her waist.

5. Tucks in her saree and pallo to get ready for all the hard labour.
6. Flicks her hair behind her ear.

7. Pushes her bangles/bracelet up her hand before getting her hands full with work.

8. Has that one thin line of eyeliner/kajal on…(oh that’s confidence on another level!)
9. Wears her favorite big, bold bindi.
10. Takes off those heavy earrings…(that feeling is spelled: relief)
11. Wears her favorite lip shade/nail polish
12. Removes all the make-up after a day’s hardwork.

13. Is high on her best mood swing (bling bling🌟)

14. Doesn’t dwell on the random things that random people say.



~Rhea Jacob,

The non-caffeinated writer.

Choose where to be.

See the crows, oh how low they fly, so close to the dust;
all they feed on is dirt, filth and dirty disgust.
See the vultures, oh how high they soar;
all they feed on is lifeless waste and matter decayed.
Lo! the pegions and the doves,
Calm, serene and poised they be;
Perched, not ever too high or too low,
just high enough as a five-storey.
And what they feed on is seed, worms and insects..all that has life!
So, mortal man, choose where to be:
too high, too low or just there;
pride or humble confidence;

choose what to do:

to smile or to smirk.

~Rhea Jacob,
the non-caffeinated writer.

Let yourself love

You loved,

And you loved even more,

So much more, you didn’t know how much more..

You loved with your heart, mind, body and soul,

And you knew it was your all,

your best love!

Seasons changed, years passed by,

Just when u realise, she isn’t nearby..

You fear,

You wail tears,

You crave;

too late, she’s now only a receding wave.

Thence you choose, you resolve, you decide,

to never love again, to never give yourself again;

And you withdrew, and put up this invisible, yet invincible wall you built around yourself;

to protect yourself,

to never let anyone hurt you again, or tease your heart ever again.

Unmindful of what you have done to yourself, how hard you have been with yourself,

you (intentionally) ignored the sweet love that came by,

the sweet love that was ready to love you the way you love, the only way you know to love…all in or nothing!

Let your heart free on a love spree,

So it can find love again,

it can give again,

it can see true love again.

Don’t suppress it dear,

It’s the heart after all,

It knows to love, it knows to heal,

And above all, it knows not to fear.

~Rhea Jacob

The non-caffeinated writer.

Soak in☔💦

A walk in the rain, under the umbrella..

hearing the rain drops titter-tatter, watching the rain form tiny momentary bubbles on the road,

watching puddles overflow;

the sound of mighty thunders,

the roar of the pouring rain;

the strong yet pleasant breeze,

that brings along the gentle sprinkle of rain against your face..

All of it…

urge you to just let go, and go get drenched;

to soak in the joy of getting soaked in rain.

~Rhea Jacob,

The non-caffeinated writer.

Soak in the simple pleasures of life and you will find joy 🙂

Just Joy :)

Genuine happiness shows!

There’s the least need to let it out, to express it, because the face already speaks the heart out.

The mind, the heart and the soul, all playing the same piece of music, reverberating notes of joy, urging every cell in the body to dance to their tune; the tune of innocent, meaningful, pure joy.

This joy is here to stay, it’s here to linger in the heart, in thoughts and actions.

Genuine happiness, it shows.

~ Rhea Jacob,

The non-caffeinated writer.